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  • Writer's pictureDr. Stephen C. Patton

Crocs concept store?

Just when you thought 2020 could not get stranger, in comes the good news from folks a Crocs, and I have only just stumbled across the news of the opening a ConceptStore. (...I thought the same). -- I do apologize for the late publication of this note, as I came across it some time back, but it reappeared today, so it is relevant once again as the sense of surprise has not ceded. Now as a retail native, I can respect the fact that you can reinvent a space and have an honest go, more so in an exciting up-and-coming market like the Philippines.

The result? Not that great, from a product perspective, but nevertheless true to its ethos. The assortment has not wowed customers for some time now, and more comfortable, more fashionable and more functional products have launched since their inception. Now, I'm the first to agree that although the market made them what they are, there is a difference between staying true to your essence, and lagging behind innovation.

By now, I do hope the retail apocalipse-ist have finally come to terms to the fact that at least, 2020, is not the year physical retail comes to an end (at least not as their theory was built...unfortunately we have lost many fellow members of our retail landscape due to these unimaginable times).

With revamped applications, new out-sole designs with a more sleek look, and some added colors, I can appreciate the brand's intention to stay relevant. Now, if Crocs can not prevail when people are home, then when they step out, I am doubtful that the first destination will be the Croc Shop.

As with anyone brave enough to venture into the retail space, I honestly do hope that the added effort, the push for online and the contraction of selling space make out for a more profit driven result, as I doubt much of an experience can be created from Crocs, but I do find some pleasure in being proved wrong.

I do honestly hope that the universal think tank behind retail does not fall short and we do not head in the direction of calling every re imagined space a Concept Store. A store can be a great store, but a Concept Store falls in a category within itself, which I do not think this one does it credit.

A concept store should not only WOW a customer, but it should leave him / her with more than just the conclusion of taking something new home. That something new has to go beyond the product, beyond the brand and straight into the mind and the heart. Agree to disagree? Perhaps. But for better or worse is seems Crocs, are here to stay (still).

For more on this story, check out our friends from Inside Retail that do a sensational job to keep us up to date on whats going on in our environment. Read more at:

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